Pacha Portrait
It’s rare that I would find myself in a nightclub and perhaps even rarer for a dining magazine to assign me to do a shoot in one. But that’s exactly where I found myself prior to the grand opening of the new Pacha nightclub located in Macau’s Studio City resort. For a special supplement to TK magazine the club was featured to promote its offerings.
For this portrait of one of the dancers I posed her behind the spaghetti-like steal structure which covers the escalator that leads clubbers into the venue. To light her I used a small Sunpak ring-flash which I had to hold precariously in front of my Canon 50 f1.2 lens. I say precarious because the large diameter of the lens is too large to fit into the ring-flash opening. A detail I forgot about when I packed the ring-flash. For the background I placed a blue gel on a Paul Buff Einstein strobe and placed the unit on the floor behind the dancer and pointed directly at the wall behind her.
That great! How did you get this idea?
I new that the spaghetti like grid would create a graphic frame for the subject. Then when the dancer came out with bright red lipstick I new it would work.